
十大菠菜台子’s 生物医学学位 graduates have a graduate school acceptance rate of almost 100 percent.

我们的 生物医学学位 让你成为优秀的候选人 医学院, dental school, and other biomedical science graduate degree programs. You’ll get exceptional training that few 本科 生物医学学位s offer, ensuring that your 读研究生 应用发光. 除了小班, 细心的老师, 以及全面的课程, our 生物医学学位 program lets you get hands-on research experience and develop practical skills for biomedical jobs. You’ll also get superior preparation for the MCATs and other grad-school exams.

我们的 生物医学学位 让你成为优秀的候选人 医学院, dental school, and other biomedical science graduate degree programs. You’ll get exceptional training that few 本科 生物医学学位s offer, ensuring that your 读研究生 应用发光. 除了小班, 细心的老师, 以及全面的课程, our 生物医学学位 program lets you get hands-on research experience and develop practical skills for biomedical jobs. You’ll also get superior preparation for the MCATs and other grad-school exams.

Biomedical Science Bachelor’s Degree: The 十大菠菜台子 Advantage

You’ll enjoy graduate-level opportunities in our 本科 biomedical science program. 十大菠菜台子 offers elite academics, 独特的研究机会, and 注重实效的准备 for 医学院, 其他专业学校, 还有博士课程.

我们的 生物医学学位 stands out for its:

  • 职业生涯的结果. 研究生s of our biomedical science program have a grad-school acceptance rate of almost 100 percent. You’ll get an excellent start on your biomedical science career whether you’re planning to become a doctor, 牙医, 医生的助手, research scientist or other biomedical science professional.
  • 高级实践培训. In our Human Cadaver Lab — one of just five 本科 facilities of its kind nationwide— you’ll get training comparable to what first-year 医学院 students receive. 除了, our Center for Biomedical 研究 provides unique opportunities to gain experience and mentoring in collaboration with hospitals, 实验室, 研究机构, nonprofit health centers and other community institutions.
  • 医学院成就测试的准备. 我们的 biomedical science curriculum is closely aligned with the most current MCAT standards and competencies. 除了, graduates of our biomedical science program have a long track record of high MCAT scores. 如果你对医学院感兴趣, our 生物医学学位 offers focused, 注重实效的准备.
  • 活跃、细心的教员. 我们的 biomedical science faculty are committed to 本科 education. They’ll generously help you pursue research opportunities, 实习, 研究生院配售, jobs and other extracurricular opportunities. Most instructors lead successful biomedical science careers in research, 私人执业或行业, so they bring professional perspectives into the classroom.



十大菠菜台子’s biomedical science program offers a pre-professional outlook. You’ll get a purposeful education that connects theory with practice, earning a marketable degree that equips you for a wide range of biomedical science careers.

我们的 生物医学学位 offers excellent preparation for:

  • 医学院
  • 牙科学校
  • 兽医学校
  • 医师助理研究生项目
  • Doctoral or master’s programs in biomedical research
  • Pharmacological research and development

Biomedical Science Degree: What You’ll Study

十大菠菜台子’s 生物医学学位 draws on multiple disciplines within and outside of the biomedical sciences. 除了 to completing a comprehensive series of core biomedical science courses, 你将获得道德方面的学分, 心理学, 社会科学与研究设计.

This interdisciplinary approach stands out on applications to 医学院 and other biomedical science graduate programs, which often prefer candidates who exhibit well-rounded interests and expertise.

Required courses for the 生物医学学位 include:

  • 人体解剖学
  • 遗传学
  • 微生物学
  • 进化医学
  • 细胞生物学
  • 药理学
  • 化学
  • 有机化学
  • 统计方法
  • 道德
